Video Library

Search & Filter

Finding your content is faster with our asset search.

Video search and filter

Video search and filter

  • Search by Title or asset_id

    You can search files via atitle or asset_id and you will find it.
  • Filter by Tags

    You can filter your videos with the tags that you assigned to them.
  • Filter by Status

    Naturally, we show all the videos that your collection holds. You can filter them based on status like.Ready, Processing, etc.
  • Using APIs

    All the actions possible through the dashboard are also available via REST APIs. You can check List Assets API for details.


Use Tags to categorize your videos based on events, dates, and teams. A video can have multiple tags.

Adding a tag

  1. Select the video(s) to which you want to add the tag(s).
  2. Click on Edit tags on the top panel.
  3. Add tags and Save.

P.S. - You can create as many tags as you want and tag videos.

An alternate way to add/remove tags

You can also add or remove a tag for a video on the Video Settings page.