Embed & Stream

A complete guide on embedding & streaming Gumlet videos

Embedding videos processed by Gumlet takes no time. Copy the embed code from the video CMS or video details page.

Get Embed code

To play videos on your website, blog, or any other CMS, Gumlet's embed code is an easy way to get started. It has a customizable player, video meta configuration, SEO snippet, and security features. You can configure your player settings here.

Here are the different ways to embed your videos quickly.

Video details page

On any video details page, the Embed Code button in the Publishing Options will allow you to customize your Embed code.

Embed Code Preview

<iframe width="960" height="540" 
        title="Gumlet video player" 
        allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; fullscreen">

Replace the {{asset_id}} in the src above with the asset ID of the video you want to embed. The height and width mentioned in the above embed code are for representational purposes only; you shall change this property to fit your needs for the best viewing experience.

Customize your embedded video by passing query parameters along with the URL.
For example:https://play.gumlet.io/embed/{{asset_id}}?preload=true&player_color=#F0F0F0

The above example will preload your video and change your player color to#F0F0F0.

Parameter Reference

Here is the list of all the available parameters to configure your player and video settings.

Query ParameterDescriptionPossible ValuesDefault Value
preloadLoad the video even before the user clicks the play button. It enables instant playback of the video.true or falsefalse
autoplayPlays the video automatically on the page load.true or falsefalse
thumbnailProvide a custom thumbnail image for the video embed.Any valid image URLAuto-generated thumbnail
vast_tag_urlVAST tag that should be used to display ads while playing this videoAny valid VAST tag URLundefined
loopPlay your videos in loop modetrue or falsefalse
start_high_resStart video playback with the highest resolution at the start.true or falsefalse
player_colorThe theme color for the playerAny hex color value#6658EA
gm_property_idGumlet insights property ID to which the viewer analytics needs to be loggedAny valid property IDDefault Property ID of your account.
tokenDRM playback token. This must be passed if the video is DRM encrypted.Generate a one-time token for DRM playback.undefined
expiresDRM token expiry timestamp in milliseconds since epoch. This must be passed if a video is DRM-encrypted.Expiration timestamp for the DRM playback token.undefined
logo_urlURL of the logo to display during video playback.Any valid image URL.undefined
logo_heightLogo height in pixels.Any pixel height.100px
logo_widthLogo width in pixels.Any pixel width.100px
logo_positionLogo position in the player.top, topleft, topright, right, bottomright, bottom, bottomleft, bottomleft, leftbottomright
gm_user_idUser ID (custom tracking)A string or integerundefined
gm_user_nameUser name (custom tracking)A stringundefined
gm_user_emailUser email (custom tracking)A stringundefined
gm_custom_data_1Custom Data 1A stringundefined

Note: autoplay videos will have their audio disabled on all browsers.


You can get the MP4 and other plaback URLs

On the asset details page, click on Publishing Options > URLs, you will get the access to .mp4, .m3u8, .mpd URLs as use as per your need.

Different type of URLs

Different types of URLs


Are you a developer or using APIs?

If yes, use the asset ID from the API response with the iframe code here.


Are you using WordPress?

If yes, use the Gumlet Video WordPress plugin. Learn more about plugin here.

If you do not use the plugin, some player features may not work as WordPress removes the additional attributes from the iframe embed code.