User Management

You can add multiple users under your organization with different levels of access. Your role will beOwner and you can add users with the following roles. The owner has some special abilities that no other role has, like adding users, accessing billing details, and accessing the API key.

  • developer: Has access to add, update and delete sources.
  • analyst: Has access to a complete analytical dashboard.
  • accountant: Has access to the complete billing panel. Can view invoices and pay bills.
  • admin: Has access to 'developer', 'analyst' and 'accountant'. The only limitation of this role is this role can not add users or access billing details or API keys.
  • source-specific: Has access to some specific sources and their analytics.
  • video-developer: Has access to create and delete video assets and video profiles.
  • video-analyst: Has access to video usage and video insights.
  • video-admin: Has access to 'video-developer' and 'video-analyst'.
  • video-collection-specific: Has access to some specific video collections and their usage and insights.
  • owner: Has all the access.
ownerimage, videoall access
video-adminvideoasset and profile creation & deletion, usage analytics, and insights
video-developervideoasset and profile creation & deletion
video-analystvideousage analytics and video insights
video-collection-specificvideospecific video collection, their usage, and insights
image-adminimagesource creation & deletion, usage analytics, and insights
image-developerimagesource creation & deletion
image-analystimageusage analytics, and image insights
image-source-specificimagespecific image source, their usage, and insights
accountantimage, videocomplete billing panel, view and pay invoices

Add new user

Click on Manage Users under the 'Organization' section, and click on 'Add User'. Provide Email ID, and select a role and login type.

Manage Users

All users are visible under Manage Users under the 'Organization' section. 'Owner' can edit the role of any existing user or delete it.