Import from Wistia

Upgrade your user experience with this migration guide

Have you been using Wistia to host and manage your videos? We have got a quick way to import all the videos to Gumlet.


  • A paid account with Gumlet (if not, you can subscribe to a plan here)

Now head over to Import Page. You will find Wistia and click on connect, and you will need an API token from Wistia to import your videos.

Import Page

Generate a token on Wistia

To generate a token from Wistia, follow the following steps:

Go to Wistia Account Settings

  • Navigate to account settings from top-right corner
Wisita Account Settings

Go to account settings

  • Go to API Access in the bottom-left corner

Generate an API Token

Select Read all project and video data and create a token.

Copy the password and add it to the Gumlet Migration Dashboard.

Final Steps to Import

Once the token is verified, you can preview which projects are there to import.

Select a Profile

Select a profile to process your imported videos. All the files will be imported and processed automatically based on the selected Video Profile.

Select a Destination

The destination is where all your imported videos will be stored. This is the same as the collection. Select a collection from the list, and we will process and keep your videos in the selected collection.

Select Projects

Select projects that you want to import to Gumlet. We will automatically create playlists and organize your files.

Clicking the Import Videos button will start the Import.

Import Progress

Import Progress

Sit back and relax. We will do all the heavy work to import and process videos for you.

You will find all your Imported Videos in the selected collection.

Happy Streaming.