Screen Capture Prevention

Overview of screen capture prevention

Without DRM

Without DRM (Digital rights management) content encryption in place, prevention of screen capture is not possible with any browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) running on any operating systems (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, etc) with any Desktop/Laptop device.

But for Android and IOS devices, there are some ways you can show content in a secure window, hence preventing other applications from capturing the screen.

For Android devices, this flag will allow treating the content of the window as secure, preventing it from appearing in screenshots or from being viewed on non-secure displays.

And for IOS device, you have to work your way through the application code by listening to the UIApplication.userDidTakeScreenshotNotification and UIScreen.capturedDidChangeNotification notifications to prevent the screen capture.

Both the methods for disabling screen capture on Android and IOS devices are not very reliable. Only option for trustworthy screen capture prevention is to protect your content with Multiple DRMs.

With DRM

Desktop/Laptop Devices: Prevention of screen capture is possible on Desktop/Laptop devices running on Windows OS is possible with Widevine DRM. By default, for all the desktop/laptop devices supporting hardware level content encryption/decryption, screen capture is disabled.

For Desktop/Laptop devices running on Mac OS, screen capture can be prevented in Safari with Fairplay DRM, but can not be prevented on other browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

For Desktop/Laptop devices running on Linux OS, it is not possible to prevent screen capture in any browser.

IOS Devices: Prevention of screen capture in IOS Safari and native application is possible with Fairplay DRM.

Android Devices: Screen capture prevention is possible with devices supporting hardware level content encryption/decryption and compatible browsers with Widevine DRM.

For browser compatibility with Widevine and Fairplay DRM please refer to DRM Compatibility.