Image Overlay

These parameters are used when you want to overlay one image over another.


This parameter takes image URL as its input. It overlays the image fetched from URL over the image being processed. The default option is to put the overlay at center. This can be modified with below parameters.

overlay_position=bottomleftdefault position
overlay_position=bottomleftdefault position


This parameter specifies position of image overlay.

Valid values are top, topleft, left, bottomleft, bottom, bottomright, right, topright and center.


Specifies overlay offset in number of pixels from top edge of image. This parameter overrides overlay_position.


Specifies overlay offset in number of pixels from left edge of image. This parameter overrides overlay_position.


This boolean parameter repeats the overlay image like tiles over the image being processed. Default value is false.


Maximum width of image overlay as a percentage of output width. This parameter can be between 0 and 1. For example, if output image width is 500 pixel and if image_width_pct is 0.1, the image overlay layer will be of maximum width of 50 pixels.


Maximum height of image overlay as a percentage of output height. This parameter can be between 0 and 1. For example, if output image height is 500 pixels and if image_height_pct is 0.1, the image overlay layer will be of maximum height of 50 pixels.